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Question by  samus42 (24)

Is it possible to have no gutters on the house?


Answer by  Kristin83 (70)

While some roofs use scuppers, which are small holes placed in the roofs corner and allow the water to drain into a downspout, it's recommended to have gutters for a couple reasons. They aid in bringing up the houses worth, protect against water flooding the basement and crawl spaces.


Answer by  rhelt (461)

Yes, it's possible to have no gutters on a house. However, the purpose of gutters is to route rainwater off of the roof and away from the foundation. Without gutters, the water will fall right next to the house and you will likely have issues in the future.


Answer by  Jemian (222)

There are a advantages of having gutters on a house. It protects the edge of the roof from wood rot caused by excessive moisture and it directs rainfall to a specific location. Otherwise the rain drips directly onto the ground beneath damaging the landscaping. Having said that, this house was built in 1966 and has never had gutters.


Answer by  waskasoo (471)

It certainly is possible to not have gutters; however, the water flowing from the roof must go somewhere. Therefore you must ensure that it does not flood your foundation.


Answer by  AnjoBanjo (271)

Yes, in most localities homes do not have to have gutters unless the house is built with a septic system to divert water away from the drain field. Other associations may require gutters but they are not necessary from a construction point of view. However they are recommended but will add to construction costs.


Answer by  SubhashChander (1773)

Yes, it is possible to have the house without any gutters but in that case the pre-condition is that one must have a drainage pipe outside the house which could take the entire water out.


Answer by  bunkerhill (825)

Many houses don't have gutters but they are useful to have. If it is raining heavily and the wind is blowing, any run off water from the roof will blow directly into your windows and eventually cause ruts in the ground surrounding your house. It cause also cause water buildup that can damage your foundation.

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