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Question by  Laura (17)

Is there a law about a neighbor parking in front of my house?

My neighbor parks in front of my house every day and I am getting tired of it. He has room to park in front of his house.


Answer by  jordanhammer (65)

No, not unless the car is abandoned, hasn't been driven in over a week, then you can call to have it towed. But if he's still driving it everyday, there's nothing you can do other than ask him not to.


Answer by  patti (29325)

If the street is open for public parking, you have no control over who parks there, whether it is a neighbor or a visitor to another neighbor. Life's too short.


Answer by  noey1958 (1405)

No there is not. Your neighbor can park anywhere on a public throughway. So can you so if he parks in front of your house and you need to park your car, you can legally park in front of his house. This sometimes happens when you buy a house without its own parking.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

It is illegal if one of the following is met: 1. blocks your driveway 2. blocks your mailbox 3. parking on street is illegal in your neighborhood.


Answer by  scyllatwo (226)

No, there is no such law. A street is common ground, a common thoroughfare, which means if parking is allowed at the curb, anyone can park there. What you'll have to do is just mention to your neighbor that you would prefer he park in front of his own house, and see if that does the trick.


Answer by  sara99 (851)

A street is the property of the city. Neighbors can be a nuisance but there generally is no law stating who may park in which parking space. It would be common courtesy to park in front of your own house.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

This is not illegal unless one of the following conditions is met: 1. blocking your driveway 2. blocking your mail box 3. you have paid for the parking space and they are using it.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, if that is your part of your property, if you own that part, then he can't park there. Ask him kindly not to park.


Answer by  withluck (1745)

If your neighbor parks on the public street in front of your house, he has every right to do so. Public roads are for anyone to use.


Answer by  monsoon (3)

I have a similar problem as well. My neighbour parks his tow with some damaged cars in front of my house but the area is a public street, what can I do,they are so selfish!I don't want everytime when I open windows and see those damaged cars.just hate it!


Answer by  satyendrs (8)

It is not good habit. my neighbour park in front of my house everyday and i am getting tired of it. But he has room to park in front of his house. i said many times but but he not change his attitude. I am very dis appointed. How can i treat this matter


Answer by  Anonymous

There's another side to this. I am being harrassed by my neighbours for parking (legally) in front of their house. They are abusive and rude. I only park there because someone else takes the spot in front of my house and again, they have the right to do so!


Answer by  Anonymous

what if the house has no sidewalk? then does the property line go to the blacktop/street?

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