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health conditions


Question by  Bernard (69)

Is it possible to correct ankle clicking?


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

You might try stretching your ankle several times a day. Changing your posture throughout the day may also help. Yoga and other muscle stretching techniques can be helpful. Another option is to try changing the type of shoes that you wear. You may find that you need more or less support then you are currently getting.


Answer by  srainne (2597)

In most cases, a clicking ankle is caused by a past sprain or small ligament tear. In these cases, the joint isn't aligned and can be corrected by surgery.


Answer by  mooman2679 (1018)

Ankle clicking is most likely from a past injury. You could maybe do exercises to get it stretched, or maybe have surgery.


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

Usually, the cause of that is missing cartilage. There are drugs that promise to restore cartilage, but your doctor will tell you whether the condition is too far gone.

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