

Question by  Valerie (60)

Is a 1955 Crown Victoria a classic car?


Answer by  Lgoff92 (7)

The Crown Victoria automobile first manufactured by the Ford Motor Company in the mid 1950's as a two door, six seater coupe was amongst the first model of Crown Victoria cars ever made. Usually cars are considered classics after 25 years, and the 1955 Crown Victoria is no exception. It is the oldest classic car in the Crown Victoria Line.


Answer by  JD17 (424)

Yes a 1955 corwn vic. is a classic car. In terms of the car world anything older then 25 years old is a class car. So anything older then a 1986 is a classic.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Most people and places would consider that vehicle a classic. I believe anything over 25 years is considered an antique. So the older the more classic.

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