

Question by  cdeboard (15)

I have a crush on a coworker, what should I do?


Answer by  kiwee87 (141)

Relationships with co-workers are best to be avoided. It can be awkward for your co-workers, and if things don't end up well for the two of you, it can make things awkward for you.


Answer by  somerset (801)

Stay away, leave it alone. It might turn into an uncomfortable situation. At your job, do what you are there to accomplish. Work, learn and earn your money. Leave the romance for your time away from the office.


Answer by  andaman (240)

Honestly, if it's just a crush, i would not pursue it. If you are ready to lose your job over a possible relationship, then you might consider it. Office relationships can get messy y so you need to be prepared to leave your job if youre going for it.


Answer by  Anonymous

it always ends up real tacky--I know someone who did it--it ended up real tacky and they both got fired.


Answer by  John (9008)

Office romance is dangerous. It can lead to lawsuits or sexual harassment complaints. Most companies will immediately fire anyone accused of this. You should avoid dating coworkers.


Answer by  Chris11 (26)

You should invite him or her to have lunch with you. That way you can get an idea of what he thinks of you and whether he is in a relationship or involved with anyone. Since you work together, it shouldn't be difficult to find something to talk about either.


Answer by  Anonymous

Go for it! :)


Answer by  Baja (19)

Do absolutely nothing and forget about it. If you care anything about your job or reputation at the office then you will not even attempt a relationship with a coworker.

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