weight lifting


Question by  jkperrongmailcom (19)

How much money will I spend getting muscular?


Answer by  joebob31 (622)

Depends on how you go about doing it. If you just eat right and work out at home, you won't spend much at all. If you get a gym membership and use lots of supplements, you could spend as much as several hundred dollars a month.


Answer by  Desine (427)

Well, you can do it for free, depending on your goals. You shouldn't need to spend any money, barring the cost of feeding yourself (which I assume you'd do anyway).


Answer by  smith79 (129)

The amount of money you will spend depends entirely on your current body condition, your personal goals and timeline and your dedication. Things to factor in on estimating an expense should include the cost of a gym membership or at home excericse equipment, money spent on food as you change your eating habits, any diet supplements, personal training, etc.


Answer by  Jonny91 (23)

You can get muscular with 25$. All you need is your body weight and 25 pound dumbbells. Do curls, pushups, pull ups, dips anything that involves your own body weight.


Answer by  firefighter38310 (430)

a huge amount of money but not all that is needed. i do believe in gym memberships. look at your mom and dad. Genetics plays a huge role in your development. dont start out with a long sheet of exersicses. set long term goals and go have fun


Answer by  xsut (943)

The amount of money that you'll spending gaining muscle depends on the products you buy and the services you receive such as a personal trainer.


Answer by  jaclark586 (359)

There is no simple answer to this question as depending on your eating habits you will likely both spend and save money. You will probably spend 20-50 dollars a month on a gym membership, 50-100 dollars a month on protien powder and meal replacement bars. However, if you eat out regularly you will save money eating healthy foods at home.


Answer by  Sally11 (78)

It's up to you! You can work on your muscles for FREE by focusing on body weight resistance exercise and using household objects as weights.


Answer by  frankylove (42)

It depends on how you decide to go about it. if you decide to use steroids, you can spend thousands of dollars, but with hard work, next to nothing.


Answer by  Karen54 (971)

A set of barbells $100 versus the cost of a gym membership including a personal trainer, that might cost hundreds per month. Decide what works best for your monetary situation.


Answer by  sammy08 (49)

getting muscular require alot of money,this is because it takes time,personally i think it will take up to $5,000 budget to actually get what you want.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

You can spend a lot--thousands of dollars--if you buy the equipment for your home or join an expensive health club. You can get muscular on the cheap by using things you already have around the house. The middle road might be best--buy some equipment and make do with things you have.


Answer by  etweedie (107)

I spent $20 for 2 10lb. hand dumbells and worked out with them everyday for 4 weeks and became quite muscular.

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