car repairs


Question by  4lizzieb (120)

How much should I spend in a year to maintain a car that's ten years old?

The car isn't worth that much, but is there some way to know how much it's okay to spend instead of just replacing it?


Answer by  elsewhen (627)

if your car is having a lot of problems, dont forget to factor in the time it takes for you to get the repairs made, not to mention the frustration and decreased productivity during those times. Also, compare the cost to a newer car, not a brand new one.


Answer by  hakunamatata (31)

I think 1500 dollars should be the limit. Much more and you could be able to get a new car. The problem I see is that there will be more and more problems with the car each year it gets older and of course you will not find all tools you need after a few years.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

You should spend no more per month than what a newer car payment should be. If you are spending $200 per month, it's time to get a new one. Budget for preventive maintenance. Start saving for a newer car.

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