

Question by  aadal (12)

How long is the gestation of a dog?

I need to plan for puppies.


Answer by  TT (27)

In dogs, the normal gestation period is about two months or about 63 days. However, she can go into labor between 58-68 days.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

The gestation period for all dogs big or small is about 9 weeks. It's a short amount of time so it will go by quickly. Make sure the area where the dog is going to whelp is ready plenty of time before she goes into labor.


Answer by  salina (943)

not medical advice: the normal gestation period for canines are 52-56 days give or take from the time of fertilization.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

No matter what type of dog you have the gestation or pregnancy length of dogs is 60-64 days. If your dog is already pregnant you will need to know the date your dog mated to determine when the puppies are due.

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