


Question by  Jackson78 (145)

How long did the abolitionist movement last?

Is it still going on?


Answer by  AmyB (30)

That's a pretty vague question as there have been abolition movements all over the world! Abolition is the ending of legal slavery so assuming you are asking about the US, we definitely do not enforce slavery here today. The Civil War ended in April of 1865 and the 13th amendment was passed the following December making slavery completely illegal.


Answer by  eiryck (847)

With the cause of the abolitionist movement to eradicate colonial slavery and set slaves free in the 14th century, it is still going on presently in a global scale. Global scale in the sense that child and adult slavery is againts international law.


Answer by  Anonymous

happy birthday


Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous

hi zoe


Answer by  Anonymous


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