how does it work


Question by  geocacher (22)

How does a hybrid motor work?

How does it know when to use what?


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

A hybrid car takes gasoline fuel and an electric motor to function. The gasoline powers the generation while the electric powers everything else from the motor and the recharging of the batteries. Most hybrid cars need to generate so much horsepower to carry their loads great distances and for hills.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

A hybrid uses two motors. A gas one and an electrical one. They are both directed by a complex electronic system. Under low speeds the electric one runs to move the car. A speed sensor will tell the computer when to switch to the gas engine. The gas one moves the car as well as charges the batteries.


Answer by  lule (166)

Hybrid motor is combination of two engines: electrical and combustion. Electrical is powered by batteries and it is also used for power generation during braking or decelerating.

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