home decorating


Question by  wl60423 (23)

How do you put together a mini cactus garden?

It would be an excellent choice for my small apartment.


Answer by  grammybarbj (572)

To create miniature cactus gardens you need a porous potting mix, suitable heavy containers. You will also need heavy gloves or some sort of tool to handle the prickly cactus.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

I would take a ceramic dish the size of a pie pan with sides. Fill the plate with pebbles. Start adding small cactus. You can add cactus that blooms different times of the year and some small exotic ones. Make sure you leave room for the cactus to grow. Ask your nursery what they recommend to start.


Answer by  cavebear (120)

First, prepare all these things that you will need like decorative rocks, any decorative container that you are not using anymore and a miniture cacti.


Answer by  oceanpearl (164)

A mini cactus garden is an excellent choice for apartment dwellers. Start by preparing a soil mix made of half soil and half sand. Select a shallow clay pot and fill halfway. Place the cacti in the sandy soil and fill to cover the roots.


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

Landscaping is very key to this! It would look nice with some ceramic dishes and towers, maybe even a bird feeder. Use some rocks and pebbles and lay out a nice path through your cactus garden.


Answer by  fishlover49 (643)

Plant several varieties of cactus in a shallow bowl mixing equal amounts of soil and gravel. Water sparingly and place in a sunny window

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