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Question by  ashleyl (40)

How do you prevent termites?

My neighbor's house is infested.


Answer by  Ruby40 (372)

Termite prevention is nearly impossible, but you can minimize risks. Clear the areas around your house from scrap wood, mulch and other vegetable matter. Fix water leaks and prevent standing pools of water. Seal cracks or holes in your foundation. Inspect your house periodically for signs of termite infestation, including sawdust and small holes in wood. Early treatment is best.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

One important way to avoid getting termites is to keep old wood piles far from your house. It's also advised that you don't let outside soil and the wood of your home meet. Check frequently for damp wood because this attracts termites. It's a good idea to have your home inspected once a year.

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