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Can you help me troubleshoot my whirlpool refrigerator that is making an unusual sound?
Do they make a quesadilla maker?
How do you make a dalek costume?
If you make an hourly wage how do you determine your annual revenue?
What adjustments do you need to make to a Honda Recon carb due to a change in altitude?
What signifance differnce will it make when playing in a jazz band when you switch from Brushes to Drumsticks?
Why does my hard drive icon appear at startup?
how to internet
Question by Felix20 (26) Loading Data Please wait...
My icon is old.
Answer by kneedragon (15) Loading Data Please wait...
A LiveJournal icon is a one hundred pixel square graphic file. It may be a small still, or moving .gif. You can make them in graphics programs like PhotoShop.
Answer by tomveil (11) Loading Data Please wait...
LJ icons are chosen from the 'Customize Journal Syle' page within the LJ main page. You'll be allowed to choose whichever style and icons you like!
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