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Question by  Qadoc (37)

Can you help me troubleshoot my whirlpool refrigerator that is making an unusual sound?

My refrigerator has been making a very odd sound for two days now, it appears to be coming from the ice maker.


Answer by  angiem1981 (1059)

It may help to shut the refrigerator off for a few minutes. In addition, check to see if all of the vents are free and clear. If they are blocked by anything, inside or out, it may cause this.


Answer by  JohnJacobs (75)

If it is coming from the ice maker, it may be a simple fix. Open the door and carefully reach into the upper compartment of the icemaker. You're going to want to carefully clear out the ice there and make sure none of it is stuck.


Answer by  tcat (769)

Sometimes regrigerators make funny sounds. If you think it is the icebox, check to see if it is working ok, are you getting icecubes out of it? They ,ice cub makers can be expensive to fix, I've heard, and not worth it. You may need to get your machine checked.


Answer by  kennethjgoodson (4903)

The best thing you can do is check the thermostat. Sometimes when the thermostat is going it will make an annoying sound. It will sound like a humming sound coming from the bottom of the refrigerator.


Answer by  Uzair (17)

The sound from the freezer compartment is usually comes due to the problem in the compressor.You may need to change your compressor or fill it with the Gas which usually are R series


Answer by  Jon30 (10)

I would say that your ice maker is going out on you, or that it is working fine just a little louder due to the ice box is completely full of ice


Answer by  japratt (1687)

You ice maker has a leak and your ice is freezing where your ice normally comes out. You will need to tighten some of your screws.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It could have a thing called the burps it makes a funny high pitched noise every so often and it drives you crazy but there is no fix for it.

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