

Question by  Phascup519 (26)

How do you kill scabies in dogs?


Answer by  herzog (555)

Scabies used to require dipping multiple times, but new methods have been developed. A topical preparation called Revolution recently put on the market will kill scabies. It is absorbed systemically and poisons the mites as they feed. Top spots are simple to apply even on dogs that resent handling.


Answer by  amyj (282)

Scabies are little mites that burrow under the skin in dogs. They are transferrable to people. Treatment usually involves topical pesticides that you can get from your veterinarian. It is important to treat all your dogs and yourself if you have symptoms as this is highly infectious and may be passed back and forth among pets.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

Lime sulfur dips and shampoos like Dermisil are the recognized home remedy. If dipped, the dog needs to be dipped for 15 minutes. If skin is infected antibiotics may be needed. Scabies mites are very contagious so all areas where dog lives need to be cleaned with something like Benzarid, a safe spray for indoors or outdoors.


Answer by  Beth5912 (14)

Sulfur cream will kill scabies. You can get it at most drugstores or you can take the dog to the vet and they will use a medicated shampoo.


Answer by  sabozeka (611)

The dogs bedding and places they live need to be thoughly cleaned.The dog are given sulfurated lime rinses twice a week.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

You will need to take your dog to the vet. He will give you a number of prescription availabilities. There is a pill your dog can take, a dip, or a liquid drip that you apply directly to the skin. Also keep the dog separated from other animals.

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