


Question by  Dragos (17)

How do you help someone die with dignity?

My mother is dying of cancer, and she doesn't want me to have to do things like change her diapers.


Answer by  davondab (107)

Treat her with respect. Let her know you do this only from love. Try to find something comical about a time when she was the one changing your diapers to put her at ease. Be gentle and caring. Make it a time to come to terms with the loss of each other.


Answer by  woof (23)

Respect them. Respect their wishes. Listen to them and hear what they are saying. Remember that their death is about them, not about you. Do not impose your own wishes or desires concerning their death upon them. Maintain a good, positive attitude. It is they who are dying, the last thing they need is to be worried about you.


Answer by  Vogin (108)

Leave him/her at home, not at the anonymous and often depressing hospitals or retirements homes. Display love and thankfullness for his/her input in your life.

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