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Question by  jillyann (40)

How do you achieve muscular fitness?


Answer by  Supersadie (363)

Muscular fitness varies according to the sport – long term endurance is for events like marathon; short term endurance is for events such as soccer and power endurance is for sports such as fencing where you make strong movements repeatedly. The training method is a variation on interval training, ie repetitions of particular load bearing exercises like weights and squats.


Answer by  moonman12 (119)

Achieving muscular fitness is about a combination of low body fat levels and relatively high amount of muscle. General fitness training is good enough, but the diet will be the key - restricting calories for fat loss, and high protein to maintain muscle.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

By going to the gym regularly, and working each part of your body at least once a week with an appropriate work out routine.

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