

Question by  penny61 (10)

How do swinging lifestyles work?

Wouldn't one or the other get jealous?


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

All four adults have to be accepting of the lifestyle. That's the only way it will work. Sometimes only one spouse wants to try swinging, and that's where jealousy will appear. If you're considering it, make sure you have a long discussion with your spouse.


Answer by  Doomstoned (1454)

Individuals prone to jealousy are not good candidates for the swinger lifestyle. In order to successfully engage in this sort of lifestyle, both people in the relationship would have to share a common interest, desire, and understanding about sharing and exchanging sexual partners. Some people enjoy watching their lovers with other people, whereas others can't even contemplate such a scenario.


Answer by  jackswagger (69)

I think you have to have a similar mindset and a bond that understands the situation and allows the couple to be okay with it and enjoy it.

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