health conditions


Question by  BARKATH (7)

How do I treat a blister on my ring finger?


Answer by  Grace43 (8)

Wash the area with warm soapy water and dry using a clean cotton cloth. Grab hold of a sterile needle and gently pop the blister on one side and immediately apply pressure using a clean bandage. When the liquid has oozed out apply anti-bacterial ointment and place a ban-aid on the area.


Answer by  dog23 (168)

Blisters are better left alone. A clean covering or bandage over the blister may help facilitate healing. Do not pop the blister because you may incur an infection.


Answer by  Aya (797)

This is a simply problem to fix. Pop the blister with a sterile needle, then rinse it with peroxide. Next, apply an antibacterial ointment and apply a bandage. When it's well enough, at night expose it to air. Remove excess dead skin and put bandage back on. Avoid wearing rings.


Answer by  playmaker55 (314)

First off leave the ring off until the blister heals. Besides that you need to just let the finger heal until it is better.

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