
 diy  insects


Question by  Jill80 (27)

How do I remove black ants from my home?


Answer by  Gus10 (10)

Tiny (about 1/16") black ants (Monomorium minimum)nest anywhere--walls, masonry, soil, trees, even under the carpet. And they eat just about anything. Start by cleaning house, seal your food stuff, and start filling holes and getting rid of outside debris. Because they are common there are a number of excellent ant baits, sprays and poisons available to get rid of them.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Some natural ways to do this is to sprinkle cinnamon on the areas where they live or go. Peppermint oil, black pepper, citrus extracts, coffee, dryer sheets, the herb tansy, and cloves are also recommended. If all else fails, products like Combat or Terro will take care of the problem.


Answer by  nan818 (60)

Black ant removal can be done by several ways. One way would be to sprinkle black pepper where the ants come in, either window sills, door frames, et cetera. You can also use chemicals to eradicate their nest, but that's not environmentally correct in this day and age.


Answer by  informant31 (510)

You can remove black ants from your home without using harmfull chemicals. Sprinkle Cinnamon or black pepper where ever you see the ants. Follow them to the source of entry and sprinkle Pepper or Cinnimon there. Vinegar also works very well for ant control. Simply wipe or mop any area that you have seen ants with vinegar.

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