You could as well use an append query in Microsoft Access. If you're using Access 2007 or 2010, Click create Tab, Query, select the table, Select *Append* under Design table
The best thing is properly to use vba to access the db and read a db selection with a SQL statement. If you step through the received recordset, you should be able to put that over a string into the clipboard. After that step you can paste it.
If the data to be imported or populated are in table form or in the text box, it will be fairly easy. You can either resort to the import mode or copy paste mode. Regardeless of the mode you resort to, I don't think there will be much difference in the end result.
Use Dlookups,it allow you to lookup a value from another table. Data wanted to display in textbox can be added to combo box. It can accessed through column property.