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Question by  peacherina (27)

How do I increase my chances of winning the Mega Millions Lottery?


Answer by  imanticajon (130)

Take note of the recent numbers that came out. Chances are they won't come out again in the next few results. Also mix a fair proportion of odd and even numbers. It won't be likely that a series of numbers will contain all odd or all even numbers. You may also lotto number generators or a combination of these techniques.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

The only ways to increase your chances are to buy more tickets across a wider spectrum of lottery numbers (not the same values in a different order). However, the chances of actually winning are very small. Please consider saving and investing the money as a sure way to allow it to grow.


Answer by  Binome (1975)

The only way you can increase you chances of winning any lottery are buying additional tickets. You cannot influence which numbers will be drawn. Any attempt to statistically analyse which numbers are the "most likely" to be drawn next is simply bad math. Every number is just as likely to be drawn as any other.


Answer by  Marcy88 (56)

The only way to increase your chance of winning is to buy more tickets. Each ticket is only one chance in billions to win. Odds themselves do not improve.

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