

Question by  alokn99 (34)

How did the Apostles die?


Answer by  lonelywolf (2117)

The histories are incomplete and inconsistent, but the generally accepted history is: Peter, James, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Jude, Simon, and Matthias were martyred in various ways. Judas committed suicide, and John died of old age. Only the deaths of James and Judas are mentioned in the Bible.


Answer by  RJ (50)

Most of the Apostles were executed, though many opinions differ on exactly when, where and how. The only Apostle to die a natural death was the Apostle John. He did however die in exile.


Answer by  imanticajon (130)

Some apostles died of natural causes like physical degeneration from old age. While others died of violent deaths due to the persecution they got from their teaching of Christianity.

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