health conditions


Question by  whocares (14)

How can I stop my child from farting?


Answer by  DtheM1 (1150)

Passing gas excessively can be a result of diet, gastrointestinal problems, or nothing at all. You can try over the counter medication like Beano or see a doctor.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

This is a combination of what they are eating and bad manners. You need to teach them that if they want to do that they should go to the restroom because they probably shouldnt always hold it in. But if they are eating alot of unhealthy food then this isnt helping.


Answer by  CP (232)

If you really believe it is neccessary for a child to stop farting watch what he eats. The type of foods a person eats usually is the factor of if they will fart or not.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

A good diet can relive gas symptoms, diets high in fiber and chia seeds can reduce farting to a minimum.

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