

Question by  subramanian (18)

How can I rid my home of the dermestid beetle?


Answer by  gyr (26)

First, vacuum everything you suspect is infested thoroughly. Place the vacuum bag into a plastic bag and seal it. Steam cleaning carpets is also advised. Wash all washable fabrics in hot water. There are several commercial products that will deter a reinfestation though boric acid is effective as well.


Answer by  user26 (176)

One they are there for a reason look all over and you might find whats drawing them. They are usually there because somthing is dead in or around your house. Find it,and step two use a residual pesticide specifically for killing dermestid beetle ask hardware stores and pest controll.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well basically you should spray your home with raid. Spray raid all of the surfaces that the beetles are found on. You also want to clean your carpet later with bissel cleaner.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well if you have some beetles in your house, you want to clean the floors with bleach as this will sanitize the whole area and kill the beetles. You have some other alternatives such as using raid or any other kind of termite spray that you think will do the job.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

The first thing to do is find out whats attracting them, something dead will usually do this. Maybe a dead mouse or bird is hiding in your house. Get rid of the dead whatever it is and make sure all food is sealed up nice and tight. By getting rid of their food source you get rid of them.


Answer by  colo22 (278)

First catch and identify the bug--adults are less than 1/2 long and dark and hairy. The larvae are hairy also and brown with yellow stripes. They will eat on things that are dead, so you must find that food source. Get rid of empty wasp nests also as well as accumulated pet hair.


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

Spray around every opening, door frame, and floor with an appropriate pesticide. A serious infestation requires professional pesticides. Dermestids are attracted to dead animals. Look around to see if there are any in a nearby area - mice, birds, squirrels, rats. Clean your house and wash all laundry thoroughly.


Answer by  chilli (126)

The simplest way to get rid of the dermestid beetle is asking people from Monster House to come and refurnish your home for you. Hope this is a unique answer.

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