home decorating


Question by  caluwi (199)

How can I paint hibiscus flowers on my bedroom wall?


Answer by  Zellafiend (6)

You can print out hibiscus flower shapes at home, or go to a print shop and ask for enlarged pictures of hibiscus flowers. Create a stencil by cutting out the shape of the flower, and use a sponge or paint roller to paint them on the wall where you like.


Answer by  rheanna (11)

First go to Home Depot or Lowes, or an arts and crafts store and get the supplies you need. Take out all your supplies and mix the colors you want, start from the bottom making your stem, than start drawing the flower and making the pedals.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

Latex high gloss paint is the best product when painting colorful items on a wall. Small details such as outlining the petals with black enhances the portrait and makes them appear real.


Answer by  Ariel (118)

You can get templates and stencils at a paint store, or at a hobby store like Michael's. Or you can get handmade appliques.


Answer by  Taran (716)

Wallprint's offering of floor-to-ceiling sized wall decals is like a hybrid. The negative white on orange print is amazing. . You get stickers that do not come off.

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