home decorating


Question by  Charolette (13)

What are some ideas for a bedroom wall paint design?


Answer by  sammy (11)

Bedroom walls should have warm and soothing colors, and should have the deepest color on the smallest wall. Earth tones with lighter window and door frames are a timeless approach.


Answer by  joeld (22)

Here are some examples of bedroom wall paint designs: 1. You can paint rainbows. 2. You can paint unicorns. 3. You can put stickers of sponge bob. 4. You can put a wall paper design of a picture of Bob Marley. 5. You can apply stencils of hibiscus flowers.


Answer by  Nikku (17)

The colour of the wall matters a lot. The color should be soothing to eyes preferably ligter shades. floral designs with some abstract forms work great. embossed murals are also unique. one prime colour with different shades can be used to create a visual treat.


Answer by  Jordan10 (143)

You should consider a mural in the bedroom. Go for something soothing because the bedroom is where you go to relax. Think beach or serene forest.


Answer by  Edna (16)

You should Add one Basic color that relax's you and then build from the ground up. Add some cool designs you find interesting.


Answer by  JimSmith (137)

One of the easiest and nicest ways I've done it. Is first paint the room a tan color. Then take a rag and dip it in brown paint. Wipe most of it off. Then smear the brown paint across the walls.


Answer by  timerunning (805)

You could do a theme bedroom paint idea! If they person likes a certain character, you could get someone to draw the character on the wall! Or you could do an accent wall, which would be nice.

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