How can I get rid of pesky gnats?
How can I keep gnats off a dog?
How do I earn back the trust of my husband after cheating on him 6 months ago?
What can I do about my cats howling?
What can I do for my dog if his ear hurts?
What could be wrong if I have pain behind my kneecap and can't walk on that leg?
What will happen if I served breakfast sausage that was 20 days past its expiration date?
friendship mental health relationships
Question by JSmith0330 (616)
Answer by dpauleyii (843)
You can know that what they say is not true most of the time and be confident in who you are and what you know.
Answer by liblue (683)
Having awareness of a know it all personality can be helpful when faced with a person with this quality. Detach and understand that it isn't your problem.
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