

Question by  Jacq (23)

How can I deal with losing my mom?


Answer by  Cathy65 (652)

A good place to start is a grief support group. There you will meet many other people who are going through the same thing. Sharing your grief and talking about your mom will help you come to terms with your loss.


Answer by  whobesidesme (406)

I lost my mom 5 years ago... seeking out counseling was the best thing I did to start the recovery process. It takes a lot of time - it's still not easy for me. And make sure you find a therapist that you feel comfortable with!


Answer by  somerset (801)

After a certain period of mourning, you have to start living. Keep her in your thoughts, but do things that you know would make her proud. She devoted her life to raise a great human being, a winner. Do not disappoint her. Let her memory give you strength.


Answer by  BrianMatthewJanisse (101)

It's very hard to lose your mother and your emotions will be tough to deal with. Remember that your mom would want you to be happy and go on living life. You can grieve her and always remember her in your heart as a way to honor her always.


Answer by  DouglasEarlClore (1236)

Realize that this will be very difficult. You will need support and help from your family and friends, and perhaps a minister or other grief professional. There are people in your life who need you to move on as appropriate. Do it for them, and for your mom's memory.


Answer by  gummie (738)

The fact that the word 'mom' was used instead of 'mother' leads me to believe there is still a certain level of ongoing dependence. You can honor your mom's memory by donating to an annual charity that was always dear to her heart. Also, live the best life possible.

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