

Question by  mandam7 (56)

How can I control 2 monitors from one computer?


Answer by  thelostone (1457)

You need to have a video card capable of doing this. Go to your local computer store and tell them what you want to do and they will sell you the needed video card. ONce thats done install it and connect both monitors and you are in business. ITs that simple.


Answer by  NIB (42)

Most modern graphic cards have at least 2 monitor outputs(usually 2 DVI outputs). So if you get a modern graphic card(make sure your motherboard can accept PCI-Express graphic cards), that has 2 DVI and then have 2 monitors that also have DVI, you can connect those 2 monitors to your graphic card and use them at the same time.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Both of the monitors have to be connected to the computer. You can do this by using two seperate wires to connect both of the main frames to. This will allow you to have control of both of the monitors from one computer. But both monitors will show the same thing.


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

Yes, At least on-some: Newer-laptops can control an external-monitor separately from their LCDs. Newer-Apple-computers & some-other-newer-models accept either: video-cards controlling (2) monitors or multiple-video-cards controlling (2 or more) monitors.


Answer by  zeeg (8)

You have a couple of options, depending upon your current setup. Essentially you will need to install a new graphics card in your computer. You can either purchase on with two display outputs, or add an additional card with one output if you have a free expansion slot. Then, adjust your display settings, which varies depending on your operating system.


Answer by  numba1g90650 (58)

When you have both monitors connected to the same computer, the other monitor should be accessible by moving the mouse to the right side of the screen of the first computer. It will go off the first monitor and reach over to the second monitor.


Answer by  knightmare (1231)

You can do this with an aftermarket video card, and some onboard video can do this as well. Go to Display Settings by right-clicking your desktop and selecting Properties. If you have two monitors hooked up, you should be able to enable dual monitors. Otherwise, you'll need to purchase a video card with multiple Video Out ports.


Answer by  Minelli666 (38)

You should have a video card with dual monitor capabilities. Which means that your video card has 2 outputs to a different monitor.


Answer by  tiwtiw17 (17)

To control 2 monitors in one computer. You must make sure that your video card is capable of handle two monitors and just go your video card control panel and set it to control two monitors.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, you have to be sure that both monitors are connected to the same computer/ processor, which can be done by inserting the monitor plugs into that computer (back frame).


Answer by  mansi (521)

You have to use either a Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) or Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) video card. Shutdown the computer, install the card, hook up the monitor to new card and restart computer. Windows will prompt you through installing required drivers. Once you get the drivers installed, restart again. If everything is configured correctly, both monitors should come to life.

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