health treatments


Question by  Nick10 (16)

Does laser light surgery for BHP work?


Answer by  Repairdude (115)

Yes. These types of health treatments are ambiguous at best, you should consult a physician before doing anything to "official" icy-hot pads are great, and fluids do as much as-the stereotype.


Answer by  venky (15)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia [BHP] is a health disorder in which prostate grows in size and causes urethra related problems. Green light Laser Therapy is a new technology proved to be beneficial in treatment of BHP. The advantages of this new technology are reduced sexual side effects and quick recovery time.


Answer by  mahee (720)

Laser light surgery for BHP is the best treatment because BHP is a health disorder in which prostate grows in size and causes urethra related problems. This new technology is an outpatient procedure which does require anesthesia and it can increase urinary stream right way though it might take a couple of time to see the desired results of treatment.


Answer by  Alisa (903)

Yes, the treatment does work on most people. It is a minimum invasive way to have surgery and can have good results.


Answer by  rnovikoffgmailcom (1722)

laser surgery for BHP does work but it might take a couple of times to see the desired results of the treatment.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

Green Light Laser treatment can help tremendously for certain patients. It is an outpatient procedure which does require anesthesia. It can increase your urinary stream right away.

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