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What is a 4 prong electrical outlet?
Why won't the GFCI outlet in my kitchen reset?
Are Old Navy outlets cheaper?
Can you explain three prong and four prong cord conversion?
How do you go about installing a 3 prong electrical outlet?
What can I do if my dryer has three wires and I need four prongs?
What does the highest-end Maytag washer have for features?
Question by tara47 (23) Loading Data Please wait...
I am trying to determine what is needed for the tranformer to work properly.
Answer by pallaturck (153) Loading Data Please wait...
A 3 phase transformer needs 3 phase power. This is generally a 4 prong plug and will be 220 volts or higher. It will not work in a normal outlet.
Answer by producttime (183) Loading Data Please wait...
Yes, if the transformer has a center ground (3 prong plug)-IT MUST BE CONNECTED. If one fails to do so there is a great risk of electrocution or fire.
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