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 cars  legal


Question by  hakunamatata (31)

Do you need a license plate for a car dolly in Arizona?


Answer by  Jimbob (2275)

Yes you are required to put plates on trailers and even though the vehicle may have plates the car dolly would also need them.

Reply by alissimo (1):
Wrong! A single axle dolly meant to tow another vehicle from the front or rear wheels is not considered a trailer but "wheeled equipment" per A.R.S. 28-2153(D)(8)(d) and 28-1095(G)(1). Get your facts straight!  add a comment

Answer by  krn123060 (14)

In Arizona, a plate is required for a cargo trailer. In this instance a car dolly is considered a trailer and therefore, requires a license plate. It is possible, however, to obtain a permanent registration for a trailer for the cost of $125.00


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

If you live in Arizona and have a car dolly you must have a license plate for the car dolly as well as your car this is required by arizona state law.


Answer by  japratt (1687)

You would not normally need a plate cover for your dolly unless you are using it for a use of profit.


Answer by  Anonymous

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