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Question by  Liz (83)

How do you run license plate numbers?

Can anybody do it?


Answer by  bigwig (654)

Generally, the police and the state are the only people who have complete records of license registrations. This is for obvious security reasons. If you think you have a stolen car around or something, contact your law enforcement non-emergency line and they should be able to take care of it for you.


Answer by  mcmario2007 (786)

There are no free ways to run a search on licence plate numbers but you can get a private investigator to run the search for you and that may cost you money another option is is browse the internet for websites that offer these services and it will cost you money , find the best deal by comparing prices.


Answer by  cubanchick (188)

Yes, but it depends on the state. If you were not in an accident, then you can contact your local dmv and they will be able to look it up.

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