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Question by  jackrichard (22)

Can you replace a cable remote with a universal remote?

The ones they sell at the cable company are too expensive.


Answer by  bxixgxb2004 (33)

Yes a universal remote can replace many remotes based on the model you choose you can easily find 3 device universal remotes for about 10 dollars which will usually allow you to control a television set, cable or satellite box, and a vcr or dvd player if more devices need to be controlled there are universal remotes with 10+ options


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

Cable remotes are easily replaced by universal remotes. When you go shopping for the universal remote you must look at the back of the package to make sure it covers your cable company and the other products you want it to operate. When you get home all you need to do is follow the set up instructions.

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