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guinea pigs


Question by  arlen (30)

Can you put a guinea pig on a leash?

I would love to be able to take my guinea pig out for a "walk".


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

No. Leashes are extremely dangerous for guinea pigs, as they may easily become strangled. Cavies are fragile, and could also sprain or even BREAK their spine on a leash.

posted by Anonymous
My own won't walk on a harness from PetSmart. I did find a small cat collar with a bell to go around her neck. I only put in on when she has free play in the living room to keep up with her because she runs around frequently.  add a comment

Answer by  Beth96 (25)

Yes you can put a guinea pig on a leash. Whether the guinea pig would actual go for a walk is another question. With my own guinea pigs I have put them on a leash and instead of a walk I just let them hop around in the grass.


Answer by  cindy (1484)

There are actually special leashes that can be used to walk small animals including guinea pigs and rabbits. They consist of a harness and a leash attached. You can buy them at bigger pet stores or online. However, it may be more challenging to get your pet to actually participate in this activity.


Answer by  Dreamlight (856)

Well, guinea pigs are prey animals, so taking it out near cats and dogs is like putting a sign on it that says "attack me and eat me".


Answer by  Anonymous

You can put a guinnea pig on a specialised harness meant for guinnea pigs, which you can get at most pet stores. Do not put them on a leash or they will get strangled. Just be careful of broken glass, rocks or other sharp objects while walking your guinnea pig.


Answer by  amyj (282)

You cannot really use a typical collar because the guinea pig's neck is not different enough in diameter from its head. So the collar would likely slip right off the top of its head. You probably could use a harness but most guinea pigs won't follow you like a dog.


Answer by  Mumma (483)

Leashes are not safe for guinea pigs at all. They can easily cause strangulation or a serious (even fatal) spinal injury.


Answer by  TracyAnn (16)

Yes you are able to take him or her out for a walk. But not with any old leash.. Harnesses are the way to go! It helps your pets spine and is best oppinonated In Guinea Pig Specialists. You can find harnesses at petsmart. :)


Answer by  MrPKitty (329)

Well you can try, but I think it will be like taking a cat for a drag. If you do try, consider a harness rather than collar.


Answer by  randman21 (224)

No, because the guinea pig doesn't have a neck, and a leash would probably choke it. You could go on a walk and carry it around with you.

posted by Anonymous
A guinea pig is an animal - treat it with a little respect people. It is not natural for a guinea to be 'walked'. Get them a secure outdoor run on some grass and let them take their own exercise.  add a comment

Answer by  traumatised (3285)

NO - it can cause serious spinal injuries and is NOT safe. If you want your pig outside, let him/her run on grass under an old cage top (always supervised).


Answer by  TracyAnn (16)

a safe way to do that is to use a harness you can get one at petsmart just becareful be patient when walking a gentle animal such as guinea pigs I hope this answered your question, Thankyou! Anymore questions? I would be glad to help :D


Answer by  Anonymous

you can put one on a leash if they will do it also you have to find one online or in a pet store you walk rabbits and small animals on it it is a harness and a leash but be carefull for cats and dogs there a pray(others)


Answer by  Mumma (483)

No. Leashes are dangerous and cause back problems. You can take him/her onto pesticide-free grass if supervised and under an old cage top for safety and to avoid escape.

Reply by TracyAnn (16):
leashes are dangerous BUT harnesses are not :D  add a comment

Answer by  jen37 (1135)

You technically could, if you could find one that fit properly. I tried several leashes and harnesses, and I could not find one that would successfully contain my piggy. You might want to try taking your pig with you to one of those stores that allow you to bring your animal in,might help you find a leash that fits!


Answer by  Anonymous

never use a leash, this could cause injury or death. never use wheels or run-around balls; they are bad for a cavy's spine.


Answer by  missypoo98 (96)

no no no don't put them on a leash it could hurt them badly but go to the pet store and they should have a vest that you can put on them and it 10000 percent safe I promise


Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous

I am struggling to understand why anyone would want to do this.?? Putting a guinea through that would terrify them - they are a prey animal by nature and always need somewhere they can hide if they feel threatened - they are an animal, not an accessory !!


Answer by  Anonymous

You could, but you have to use the right kind of leash. I found a special guinea pig leash at the pet store, it also has a harness so it won't hurt your guinea pig. Some plants and floor surfaces will hurt them. Be Careful!!!

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