weight loss


Question by  MLF (20)

Can you lose a lot of weight by vegan dieting?

I keep reading that it's the only way to go.


Answer by  trigonometry (668)

It still depends on what you eat! Even a vegan diet may contain lots of sugar and fat. It might be easier to loose weight, because usual vegan dishes are less heavy on fat. So, you might feel saturated earlier in the sense that you have eaten the same amount but less fat or sugar.


Answer by  melon (250)

You will lose weight if you eat a high carbohydrate low fat vegan diet. A raw vegan diet of raw fresh fruits and vegetables is even better.


Answer by  mark19 (7)

maybe, but i get the notion that i can also lose a significant amount of money converting to vegan dieting. it may just be the stigma that going organic and vegetarian even vegan can come with a higher price tag for foods because of the standards they require, i do not have the income for that


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

You can loose weight by going this way but you really need to make sure that you're getting the proper nutrients that are vital to human survival. Meat has essential vitamins and minerals and when you skip it you have to find those essentials in a vitamin or supplement.

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