human body


Question by  Harrisb85 (20)

Can catnip make people high?


Answer by  worker76 (773)

The simple answer is no, it can't make people high. The chemical compound make-up in catnip is only effective on cats. Since it is a very light chemical only cats are sensitive to it.

posted by Anonymous
If you chew a dozen FRESH leaves, then swallow the juice, you'll become uncontrollably pleased. I discovered this by accident. Old herbals call it "executioner's root" because it overrides any distress.  add a comment

Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

No catnip has aromatic oils which effects the back of the nose on the cat.The herb catnip contains is mint. Some cats roll and eat the toy or plant that contains catnip and some are aggressive. It can give the effect of the cat being drunk.


Answer by  whobesidesme (406)

No. When I was in high school, I watched some idiots try to smoke a bowl of it. Fail. It only succeeded in hurting their throats and lungs.


Answer by  Rachel54 (109)

As an alternative to cannabis, catnip can be smoked to give a person a mild pot like buzz. I'm not sure if it has to be dried or not. It works much better for cats though.


Answer by  PrncsPrple (237)

No, catnip cannot be used to get high by people. This is a myth made popular online, but has no truth to it whatsoever. Catnip has no psychoactive properties in it.

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