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Question by  raja62 (45)

Can a locksmith open a combination lock safe?


Answer by  John (9008)

A locksmith should be able to open almost any lock, including a safe with a combination lock. At worst, he might have to damage the safe a little.


Answer by  beefcakejake (110)

Many locksmiths can provide combination lock safe unlocking, but it is not entirely guaranteed that they can do so without damaging the safe.


Answer by  Fritz (608)

Sure they can, a locksmith can open just about anything. Just call first to make sure before having them come to make sure they are capable of doing it.


Answer by  Turkwork (1150)

A master locksmith is trained to open a wide variety of locks. Combination safe lock vary in how complicated but at the very least he could drill the lock out and put a new lock on the safe.

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