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Question by  Ann53 (92)

How can I open a locked bedroom door?


Answer by  user71 (796)

That depends on how it is locked. If it is a regular key lock, it can most likely be picked with a hairpin ir nail file. If it is loced with a deadbolt, you may need to take the hinges off the door. Otherwise, removing the doornknob might be an option as well.


Answer by  worker2067 (36)

Some doorknobs have small holes in the front, instead of a key, put a small object, such as a nail, in and you should hit a little spring. Keep pushing and turn the knob and it will open.


Answer by  Youngmom (233)

Under the doorknob on the outside, is a tiny hole. If you put in a bent paper clip, or hair clip, it should work!


Answer by  sooz (644)

If it's an interior door knob with just the hole in the center, you can use a paperclip to stick in the hole and unlock the door. If the door knob has a key you can try using a credit card or piece of thin metal to block the lock.

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