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Question by  MicheleD (15)

Are the red blotches on my skin caused by vitamin C?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Red blotchy skin could be hives and too much vitamin C can do it. If you eat too much grapefruit, even though it has much vitamin C, the result can be hives because of a certain enzyme found in it. If the blotches stay, see your doctor to make sure you don't have a serious problem.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Probably not. Red blotches are normally a symptom of dermatitis, which is caused by allergic reactions, as well as clogged pores or sweat glands. They could also be sebaceous cysts, which arise when sebaceous glands (which are located all over the skin), become clogged.


Answer by  Lisa86 (79)

There are so many things that can cause red blotches that it can't be certain. Try testing for a week or two with the amount of vitamin C and see if it gets better. Also try pure cold pressed extra virgin olive oil for upset skin in general.


Answer by  Gaurav (94)

no, The red blotches on your skin is not caused by vitamin C. May be it is caused the deficiency of vitamin A, which is helpful for fairness on the skin.


Answer by  jamie1 (291)

What would cause you to think this? Many people have problems with discoloration on the skin, especially red blotches on the face in woman. It could be simply bad skin, acne scars, or other skin disorders.

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