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Question by  Sophia (24)

Are glassine envelopes a safe way to archive stamps?

I'm a stamp collector, and would like to know if glassine is safe for long term storage of my stamps.


Answer by  wolferiver (122)

Acid-free glassine envelopes are indeed safe for archival stamp storage, and should be put in acid free boxes for additional protection. Acid-free stockbooks are also effective storage tools.


Answer by  audiocupcakes (346)

Yes, glassine envelopes are actually the ideal tool used for storing stamps safely and long term. You can also look into PVC acid free scrapbook pages. Another creative idea is you can buy hard plastic sports card holders which are acid free and will protect whatever is stored in it longterm. You may try that.

posted by Anonymous
PVC & glassine is not recommended for long-term storage; it will degrade & cause acidity. Use only stable polyester (Mylar) enclosures - look for conservat conservation suppliers. I am an accredite print restorer with 20+ year experience!  add a comment
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