guinea pigs


Question by  Sinefey (457)

Are boy guinea pigs better pets?


Answer by  A36 (629)

This will depend more on the individual personalities of guinea pigs. Boys can be difficult because guinea pigs are social animals, but two males together get territorial, and unless you want babies you can't house a male and female together. Getting two females is probably the best option.


Answer by  mmm (35)

Male guinea pigs are not better. i have had both. And i have to say that the female ones were just as nice and friendly. In fact, the males can sometimes have a musky odor that can make them seem greasy to attract females. However, it is not that noticeable. Either way, guinea pigs make good pets.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Some people find boards (male cavies) to be more outgoing and friendly. They are also more likely to fight if they are kept in pairs (and guinea pigs should never be kept alone), and if you have any females you can only have one boar or there will be problems.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Some people find boars to be more friendly/cuddly with humans than sows, but my girls are really great; in my experience it really depends on the pig. On the other hand, boys are slightly more prone to medical problems as they age, and some people find them messier.


Answer by  giselleflores (112)

Yes they are. They're relatively better pets since they lack the territorial senses which are stronger in females. Always do a lot of research before making a big decision.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Some people find them more outgoing, but personalities depend on the individual pig. Since you need to keep pigs in pairs at least, males are also more likely to fight.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Some people find boars more outgoing, but it really depends on the individual pig. There are different illnesses to worry about with boys vs. girls, and boys are more likely to be fight during adolescence (guinea pigs are herd animals and should always be kept in pairs - or more).


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Some people find boars more outgoing than sows, but it really depends on the personality of the pig. They are best kept in same sex pairs.


Answer by  darthjdavis (284)

Not really. Girls are less aggressive since moth people do not fix their guinea pigs.Boys get to be bigger, they are more sensitive and they like to pick on other pigs. Girls might o, but they are clamer, sweeter and do not have dominance issues like their male counterparts do.


Answer by  Anonymous

The guy at the pet store said females were the ones that were territorial and sprayed.


Answer by  justmesuzanne (625)

Not really. Personality-wise boy and girl guinea pigs are quite similar, but boys tend to "spray" and their urine smells a lot worse than female's.

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