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home remedies


Question by  mic (6)

Will dryer sheets help to ward off mosquitoes?

I have heard that If I carry a dryer sheet in my pocket that mosquitoes will stay away.


Answer by  sherry (211)

yes dryer sheet will to ward off mosquitoes. you take a dryer sheet and rub over the expose part of your body and it will keep the mosquitoes away. i have used it myself and i know it works


Answer by  TheAnswerFairy (2345)

Dryer sheets may be great for reducing static cling in your freshly-laundered clothing, but they won't do anything to keep mosquitoes at bay. To accomplish that, you will need to use insect repellent.


Answer by  mollymay318 (49)

Mosquitoes are attracted to scent and while this might help ward of biting, it definitely won't help them from staying away from you. If you are looking for dryer sheets stick with light scents. Since many have natural fruity and sweet scents I would avoid rubbing in them altogether.


Answer by  Kris (797)

Sadly, they do not help at all. I've tried this without noticeable reduction in bites when I venture into the woods. Products containing DEET are still your best defense.


Answer by  melissa23 (1002)

This does not work for me, I have found the only thing that works is spraying insect repellant on my arms and leggs. Also, the fans that have the refillable repellants work too.

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