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Question by  ben38 (13)

Are mosquitoes more attracted to certain blood types?


Answer by  shastie (1601)

No they are not. However there are certain things that do attract them to some people more than others. They can be attracted to a shampoo, soap, or perfume you use. They may also be attracted to the color of clothing you are wearing, or even your natural scent.


Answer by  Luminati81 (95)

I have heard of mosquitoes are attracted to Men rather than Women but being attracted to certain blood types has been proven! These pesky little blood suckers love type O blood.


Answer by  lee54 (144)

When visiting relatives in my home country where mosquitoes are quite common, I noticed that despite using lotions to ward off mosquitoes, I got bit anyway. Not once, but several times, in several areas of my exposed extremities. However, my relatives told us that mosquitoes rarely or never bite them. I was told foreigners visiting tend to attract mosquitoes.


Answer by  Worksforme (467)

They don't care what type you are. But they are attracted to different people by your smell. Scientist have figured out that they are attracted to certain people by the smell of their sweat. If you are bitten it will be a female. They need to feed on blood to be able to develop their eggs.


Answer by  brittanyr1992 (31)

The blood of humans is what the mosquito feeds on. While we know this as a true fact, it has not been proven that mosquitoes favor a certain human blood type.


Answer by  jimmy31 (89)

Mosquitoes are actually attracted to sweet blood, or the blood of people that have eaten bananas. There is an oil in the banana that attracts mosquitoes to the person. Natural vanilla has been tried and has effectively repelled mosquitoes, so try that if you'd like to repel these little critters.


Answer by  Anonymous

I am bitten all the time! i also don't believe that people with the blood type O get bitten more than anyone else. I am a B+ and i get bitten just as bad, even worse. bananas also attract mosquitoes.


Answer by  Anonymous

I have type B+ and so does my dad and brother and my mom has O- and me, my brother, and dad get bitten ten times more than her! So I really don't believe that to be true about O's being more attractive in blood.


Answer by  roger (199)

Yes recent studies have shown that they are more attarcted to O blood groups. Lot of experiments are done on the subject and They found that pleople with O blood grops are bitten 5 times more than others. Mostly it relates to the odour which is released from ones skin.

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