

Question by  armofpilot (15)

Why is there a lump on my dog's eye?


Answer by  mb (5482)

Your dog could have two conditions. First it could be a cataract, the lump would be milky white. Or it could be an extra occular occlusion (a dark lump).


Answer by  erica (114)

Your dog could have anything from a tumor to eyes stains. You should definately check with your vet before you try to remove anything.


Answer by  mrsshelast (899)

It is possible that your dog has scratched his eye with his dew claw. Check with your vet over the phone for possible instructions.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Your dog may have a cyst on its eye, which can form from a blocked tear duct. This is similar to in humans. These cysts can become large, but usually disappear on their own. This lump could also be a symptom of an allergic reaction, and the dog may have come into contact with the allargin somewhere in the environment.


Answer by  hiser32 (29)

Maybe the dog ran into a stick that poked the dog in the eye which in turn would cause a lump. There may also part of the stick still in the eye and the eye is just trying to protect itself by growing a lump.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

My dog gets lumps under his eyes and my vet said they were water cysts. The vet told me to take a needle and puncture the cysts to drain it.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

The lump in the dogs eye could be cancer. You need to have it checked by a vet they can tell you if the lump is serious or not. I advise you take it to the vet to help get it better.

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