pet health


Question by  Kaylene (93)

Why is my pet losing hair and scabbing over?


Answer by  Kris (797)

Mange, or dog scabies, is possible. There are three common kinds of mites: sarcoptic, demodectic, and cheyletiella. It is highly contagious to other dogs, and the mites will not live on you, but they do bite humans. You cannot treat mange without medicines from the vet. Follow ALL treatment instructions.


Answer by  jill (62)

My cat has this problem. He is allergic to dust mites. Unfortunately, no matter what you do, there are always mites in the air, carpet, upolstry. You can take them to a vetrinary dermatologist or simply let them deal with it on their own.


Answer by  worker76 (773)

id have to actually see the problem before i could accurately diagnose the problem but it sounds to me that your animaql has a form of mange. This could also be many different types of skin bacterial infections. Go to the vet the animal needs to be seen!


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

Sounds like your pet may have fleas. First bathe your animal and put them on medicine that prevents infestation. Next bathe you and wash your clothes! Then vacum and use flea bombs to clean them out of your house.

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