

Question by  Diyer (21)

Why is my lab losing hair around her mouth?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

I did a lot of searching on this, and really can't come up with one answer, except in case this is an early sign of demodectic mange (which it is symptomatic of) you want your dog to be seen very soon. Usually this is a Staph infection and you need to get that treated for your own sake as well.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

It could be as simple as the aging process. But it could also be the beginning stages of mange or some other fungal infection. You need to take the dog to the vet and make sure that it isnt anything serious that requires medication because you dont want it to get too serious.


Answer by  georgesmith (138)

This happens often in many dog breeds. Typically it is due to environmental allergies. Try changing foods and see if it helps.

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