

Question by  worker3953 (5)

Why is my greyhound limping?

He doesn't seem to have hurt himself.


Answer by  Camarko (44)

Greyhounds are notorious for osteosarcomas, which are tumors of the bone. These can cause the dog a great deal of discomfort, are frequently found in the limbs, and will often result in limping. Osteosarcomas may or may not present with swelling of the limb. Upon palpation, the area will usually be quite painful, and can be confused with fractures.


Answer by  Barbie87 (277)

Check his paws to see if he's got a burr stuck in one of them. He may also have pulled a muscle if he was running on uneven ground. Continue to monitor your dog to see if the problem warrants a trip to the vet.


Answer by  draiman1515 (156)

Many times, the dog will chew on it's paws a lot. This makes the paw sore, and makes the dog hobble till it's healed.

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