
 pain  people


Question by  rachaeldel143 (1)

Why is it said Women can bear pain better than men can?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

Women tolerate pain because they have to. Menstrual pain, mid-cycle pain, childbirth pain, headache pain - all are common female complaints. Eventually they learn that it does no good to complain so they accept it as inevitable. Men don't endure pain well because they're not accustomed to it.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

Every month, a woman has her period and cramps. These hurt and they last a couple or more days. If you don't want your entire life to be disrupted every month for that time, you learn to get through life with pain. Men have fewer opportunities to learn this.


Answer by  Mkg (64)

Just because men does not know the pain of child birth, or does not deal with menstrual cycle pains and trouble. God made man and women in this way only. Some study also shows that the pain tolerance power of women have nine times higher than men.

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